does that sound strange to anyone?Smal pimples around lips after using lipgloss?
You would have to see a gynecologist.Smal pimples around lips after using lipgloss?
Hah, that's completely normal
It's just clogged pores
My advice is, splash your lips with warm water.. take two Q-tips.. %26amp; squeeze the targeted area.. white stuff will come out
It sounds gross, but we have 1000's of pores all over our face, including our lips.. so it's common to have breakouts around your mouth area, etc.
Maybe you should try lipgloss that is hypoallergenic, sounds like you may be allergic
um, you might be having an allergic reaction.
go see a doctor, but until then, stop wearing lipgloss.
That used to happened to me, and it turned out I was Hypoallergenic!! So you need to buy Hypoallergenic Lip Gloss!
How about you throw away that lip gloss... maybe its old or theres some kind of chemical in there thats bad for your skin.
you need to see a dermatologist.
maybe the lip gloss you're wearing has negative effects on your skin.
Maybe your allergic to it.
yes. go see a dermatologist...and stop wearing lipgloss.
it doesnt sound strange.. that happens to me when i wear chapstick.. so its either chapped lips or pimples!
Stop buying cheap stuff.
yes thats strange but if u dont like wearing it then its ok just dont!! n u wont have a problem :)
kinda...maybe you should stop wearing lip gloss...?
ya thats odd. ur probably having an allergic reaction.
try not to wear lip gloss. mayb lipstick?
yes.u probly let one of ur friends borrow it and the germs srpead
if not..ur having an allergic reaction
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