Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does anyone knows how good are the lips to heal? human body lips.?

i fell and cut my upper lip real bad just wanted to know how good they heal.Does anyone knows how good are the lips to heal? human body lips.?
The healing time for a lip or tongue laceration will depend on the severity of the cut. However, the extensive network of blood vessels in the mouth area promotes quick healing.


At home, you can clean injured skin surfaces with mild soapy water and a soft clean cloth. To clean cuts inside the mouth, rinse with salt water or a hydrogen peroxide solution (one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water). Be sure not to swallow this peroxide rinse. However, do not be concerned if it foams. The peroxide is reacting to the bacteria normally found in the mouth.

If your lip is swollen or bruised, apply a cold compress. If there is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean cloth for at least five minutes. To help limit swelling, bleeding and discomfort, wrap crushed ice in clean gauze or a clean piece of cloth, and hold it inside the cheek.

Certain injuries will require medical attention from an oral or maxillofacial surgeon. It is particularly important to have an experienced surgeon stitch cuts that cross the vermilion border 鈥?the line that forms the junction between the skin and the fleshy part of the lip. Experience is required to make sure this boundary looks right as it heals because even a small irregularity will be permanently noticeable.

The doctor will first thoroughly clean the wound with lots of salt water or a hydrogen peroxide rinse to remove bacteria. Puncture wounds to the lip will then be closed from the inside out. Suturing all layers reduces the chance of scarring and helps make sure that the muscles around the lip maintain their ability to move.

Small puncture wounds in the tongue usually heal without the need for any treatment other than cleansing with antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide rinses. Although large cuts may require stitches, they tend to be hard to keep in place for any length of time because the tongue is so mobile during talking and chewing.

Because the mouth is rich with bacteria, an antibiotic often is prescribed following a lip or tongue laceration to ward off infection.


The outlook is excellent. The rich blood supply in the oral cavity promotes rapid healing, often with minimal scarring.Does anyone knows how good are the lips to heal? human body lips.?
It should heal good on it's own. Just watch for infection. My 3 year old daughter fell and her top teeth went through her bottom lip, and it healed fine. Can't hardly see the scar now.
well, usually cuts in your mouth heal fast. just don't think about it (even though it might be hard) and it will be gone before you know it!


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