Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to make your lips bigger?

i have sort of have little lips. i just want them to look a little bigger. what lip gloss should i use? or what should i do?How to make your lips bigger?
Lip Injection by Too Faced, it really works!How to make your lips bigger?
you have some options:

you can try a lip plumper, they aren't super affective but its worth a try. i love lip venom by duwop.

you can also contour your lips:

what you need:

-darker lip color

-lighter lip color

-lip brush

how to:

-apply a little dark lipgloss to the outer corners of your lips and blend inward.

-then apply the lighter color in the center of your lips

-blot and blend again



you can also get collegen injectiosn if you want an extreme change.
there are a few things that you can do to make the appearance of your lips larger, and more plumped.

1- use lipliner, but don't ';draw'; a full line, do it softly, with the lips opened. check up some videos on youtube.

2. lipgloss always gives the appearance of fuller lips

3.lipgloss with shimmer as well.

4.try a lip plumper, some work for certain people, others don't. see which one works best for you

5.put on loads of lip balm before you go to be (not kidding just leave it on your nightstand and apply it before you tuck your self in)

the next morning you should see even the slightest difference.

a few products that i use:

lip balm: benefit smoooch

lip plumper: too faced lip injection (expensive but was the only one that worked for me)!

good luck!
okay here's what I do:

In the morning I take an ice cube and ice my lips for about 10 minutes. Then AS SOON AS I take the ice off, I pat it with a towel and immediately apply plumping lip gloss (which you can find anywhere; Ulta, Sephora, even Wal-Greens!)

and that pretty much does the trick(:
there is this lip gloss that has this stuff in it that has this tingly feeling and it plumps your lips.. sorry i dont know what its called.. i think its called Lip plumper lipgloss... or you can get hit in the mouth a bunch of times.. that works too... it will swell up..er plastic surgery is always an option... if you realllly want big lips.. like this!!! theres big lips for ya!



Hope that helps :)
lip plumper.

theres sooo many brands.


use lip plumper instead of lip gloss
lip plumping gloss

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