Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Anaylize Edna St. Vincent Millay Poem, '; What Lips My Lips HAve Kissed, and Where, and Why?

What are words in the poem that suggest motion, emtion, and color?

Identify examples of literary term used in the poem?

Where is the turing point in the poem?Anaylize Edna St. Vincent Millay Poem, '; What Lips My Lips HAve Kissed, and Where, and Why?
(You should've posted the poem here.)

I just read this poem in my college English class.

';Lain,'; ';kissed';, ';forgotten'; and ';ghosts'; - all within the first few lines are words that can describe the emotions of the poem. There are many more, but that's for YOU to pick out.

';I only know that summer sang in me'; is the turning point, I guess. She's looking back on her life and all the lovers she's know. It's really a women's lib poem. Here was a woman who was a free-spirit writing about the men she'd taken as lovers over the years and though she can't remember many of their names, she knew that they made her happy.Anaylize Edna St. Vincent Millay Poem, '; What Lips My Lips HAve Kissed, and Where, and Why?
Sounds like you want us to do your homework. For motion, look at the verbs. For emotion and color look at the nouns as symbols.
You should post the poem so we can help you out...
No, YOU analyze it and then explain it to us.

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