Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can i get rid of really bad dry lips?

ok now here's a trick to keep your lips looking healthier:

get some petroleum jelly and spread it all over your lips. (it's usually a light yellowish color, it's not that expensive. u can usually find it at a local drug store for 97cents a container.)

next, get like an old toothbrush that's worn out and the bristles are soft. use that to scrub your lips. really, SCRUB them, just like brushing your teeth except your lips.

after that, take a damp cloth that has been soaked in warm water and wipe off all the crust that comes off of your lips.

~good luck, and remember to use chapstick

*vaseline works too, but it'll take longer by applying it EVERY nightHow can i get rid of really bad dry lips?
carmexHow can i get rid of really bad dry lips?
my daughter and I have bad dry lips, especially at night in the winter cold time. we usually put a little bit of vasoline on them before we goto bed, for a couple nights in a row. not a lot, just enough to keep them moist.
yeah, vaseline at night. n a good lip balm during the day.
Go to ( genniesalve.com ) It has been helping alot of people. And Its all natural, and really works Great.

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