Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why do my lips burn when i drink liquor?

when i drank liquor the inside of my lips burntWhy do my lips burn when i drink liquor?
you probably chew on your lip not knowingly like in your sleep or something and caused you to break the skin, which can cause it to burn when you drinkWhy do my lips burn when i drink liquor?
It's because alcohol is a water attractor (hydrophilic) so the stronger the alcoholic drink, the worse it is about attracting the water from your skin and mouth cells. Skin and mouth cells are high in water content, and alcohol, especially liquor, acts as a drying agent, because it attracts water. So that burning feeling isn't much different than when heat burns you and dries you out, just now its a ';chemical'; burn. The water in your cells is basically sucked out, and gives a burning sensation. This happens as alcoholic drinks reach a higher percentage, especially 25% or higher.
Wonder if you have some type of allergy? Does it happen with every type you drink? Perhaps you're not meant to be a drinker at all - and that's certainly not a bad thing.
liqour burns open wounds, but usually it would be fine on lips unless you have cuts on your lips or very chapped lips.
It's a sign that you shouldn't drink unless for a special occasion =)
they're probably chapped

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