no rude answers, please.How come people's lips are pink-ish?
The skin on your lips is thinner that other places. the red you see is from blood circulation. you may notice that your lips will get redder when your aroused ( =more circulation) that's why people instinctively find red lips so attractive. Good circulation = good health. Make sense?How come people's lips are pink-ish?
mostly lips skin are too thin....if you are having good care of your lips it would be in good health and in redish.....
Wipe it with water soaked cotton cloth.....and then put Vaselin jelly or some lips cream for night....
Do not lick your lips....
they just are i guess
because the skin is very thin.. hence the fact you have to take extra care of that skin, applying chapstick n stufff... lol
Probably just genetics or a lot of lip care. Most people nowadays don't wear chapstick or any kind of spf on their lips which i guess tans them, everyone just licks their lips.
Only my bottom lip is pinkish,the top one is a whiter shade.
Its another form of skin pigment. Can be inherited and it is natural.
My sister has naturally pink lips (Lucky thing) She can just wear clear or sheer gloss by itself.
If you like it you can buy lip stain that is not permanent that will give you the same look.. Mecca is Sydney Australia. Or buy a natural (as close to your lip colour) lip liner and line your lips and then find a good skin colour gloss to put over the top. Naturally gorgeous! The best lip liner is 'beach' by the Body Shop or chanel do another one that is more expensive but well worth it...
its because the skin is a lot thinner than the rest of your body, almost transparent.
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