Sunday, April 25, 2010

What part of a female do you love the most? Bubble butt, legs, feet, lips, eyes, arms or face?

Please girls no harsh comments, we love you all! and we do go for personality too but that is not the question.What part of a female do you love the most? Bubble butt, legs, feet, lips, eyes, arms or face?
Face first. Bod dont mean nothing if i cant look you in the face. Then butt, gotta have a backside.What part of a female do you love the most? Bubble butt, legs, feet, lips, eyes, arms or face?
I know you're not really asking girls, but I'll answer anyway. :P

I'd have to say eyes or face, I'm not sure.. hmm..

Consider this as a free bump.. thingy. Heh.
Well I love it all especially with my tongue.
hopefully a guy will go for the whole thing?
i like face....if rest of the things are not in shape they can be improved by exercising, dieting etc..
You forgot the bo0bs. But to answer your question its the lips but really it how they smile, the butt and the eyes.
i love a giggle, but i also like a nice face, can't go wrong with that

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