Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is there a way to lose the fat around your lips?

is there a way to lose fat around the lip area? i have alot of fat that my upper lip comes out more than my bottom lips do, and i mean like ALOT. i always have to suck in some of my upper lip to even it out..Is there a way to lose the fat around your lips?
When you get the answer - will you tell me? I have a fat mouth, and I chew gum a lot....which doesn't incidentally make me lose fat from my lips, when I chew gum I often bite the inside of my lip - drawing blood....I wish I could reduce the fat in my lips too.Is there a way to lose the fat around your lips?
I think the only way to do that is to burn calories with the muscles around the area you are trying to target! so maybe do some singing and other mouth excersizes?? ooh beat boxing might work too!! =)

you should totally show us a picture! I was wanna see your voluptuous lips!! =P
exercise, and no water will not make you lose fat on your lip nor will it make you lose fat in general, exercise, exercise, excercise!

Go jogging and dont be afraid to get sweaty!
eat more chicken ( fried is ok ) and tons of bread or pasta they all change the fat from ur face to other parts like your scrotum

drinking water will just increase ur weight but won't increase ur fats..

d best way t lose fat on ur face is to do facial exercises every mornin..
Fat lips are extremely sexy. Are you married?
chewing gum
kissing makes u lose fat round your lips

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