Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I've bought my first dog. Could i become ill if i let him lick my face and on the lips?

i've heard some people say that dog saliva is antiseptic?I've bought my first dog. Could i become ill if i let him lick my face and on the lips?
The dogs saliva is great for drying out certain kinds of wounds, bug bites, swelling from poison ivy/oak, etc.

Their saliva doesn't dissinfect anything, in fact it's the opposite. Their mouths harbor bacteria and germs that are best not transfered to the human mouth or face. The myth is that they have the cleanest mouths, but it's just that, a myth.

As far as letting him lick your face goes, observe your dog lick his anal orifice and/or other genetal regions an then ask yourself the question.I've bought my first dog. Could i become ill if i let him lick my face and on the lips?
It is not hygenic and when you consider what dogs lick and eat its downright gross! Dogs saliva is antiseptic to dogs...NOT humans.
It may be good for dogs but my dog licks his b***s all the time - ugh.

I don't even want to go there !!
mine licks me and I'm ok

but its not really wise, especially if you have kids
It is antiseptic, thats why they lick their wounds. Its perfectly safe though probably not so pleasant if you dont know the last time they licked their bits! My dog used to kiss me all the time and im still here now, its safe as houses!
You're more likely to make the dog ill.
Highly doubtful that you would ever become ill. With the exception of Rabies, the diseases that dogs carry are species specific and won't be transmitted to humans.
get your self a girl friend , they dont have the same germs as they dont lick their bottoms like dogs and cats
Some of these replies are dangerously wrong.

Dog faeces are know to carry micro-organisms that cause blindness in children. All dogs clean their anus with their tongue.

Need I say more?
Ive had dogs through my life and Ive never caught anything from their licks.. Dogs lick their balls so I wouldnt let him lick me if after I saw that . I suppose us men would probably lick our balls if we could ..
Dogs are thought to pass on Helycobacter Pylori a nasty bug that thrives in acid and is thought to be a cause of stomach cancer,so dont kiss the dog or you may be sorry in years to come
why on earth would you let it lick you on the lips!!
Unlikely you'll become ill but it's not very hygienic.
dog saliva has fabulous antiseptic qualities but for dogs not you! Dogs eat and sniff all sorts of nasties so I would not let them like my mouth or face!. I have a dog, he isn't big on licking so I don't have this problem however, don't encourage it.

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