Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best cure for dry cracked lips from wind burn?

Well, I put a ton of chapstick on my lips and let it sit for a bit, and then get a wet, warm washcloth and rub it off and it helps take off the dead skin. Depending on how chapped they are, you may have to do it a little more. And then of course just chapstick regularly =]What is the best cure for dry cracked lips from wind burn?
i am an old fisherman. used to have that problem. but try rubbing fish oil on it Report Abuse
What is the best cure for dry cracked lips from wind burn?
ok, so 2 things i have to say that work

you can go to nordstom or like saks and get it

its called kiers baby lip balm omg it was 6 bucks and it was the best 6 dollars ive ever spent for my lips

another thing is carmex. its ok but it burns ur lips.
definetly soft lips. you can get it at wal-mart,

cvs, albertsons, and pretty much any store that

sells beauty products.
it sometimes helps if you take a toothbrush with warm water and brush your lips gently and it will exfoliate your lips and make them not chapped and cracked.
lip ceiil stick ,blixtex cream , vasilene, vitom e and doctor perscriptsion



I had really dried lips until i found a great solution...Bert's Bees Chapstick!
chapstick and moisturizer.
Vaseline works good and burts bee's chap stick
Use lip cream that has cortisone in it.

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