Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does anyone know what can cause numbness and tingling in lips?

happens off and on latelyDoes anyone know what can cause numbness and tingling in lips?
Possibly a mild case of the Herpes simplex virus, which can eventually lead to a cold sore.Does anyone know what can cause numbness and tingling in lips?
You are most likely having an allergic reaction to something you ate. The same thing happens to me when I eat certaint types of fruit.
This is most often caused by hyperventillation. When you get too much oxygen (or don't get rid of enough carbon dioxide), you can get tingling in your hands and face. I have only hyperventillated once, from severe pain, and I thought I was having a stroke, from that tingling sensation in my hands and lips. However, if you are older and have risk factors for a stroke like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or have a history of previous strokes, you should see a doctor, especially when the sensation is on only one side of your face. Actually, if it's only on one side, go to the Emergency Room. Don't wait for a doctor's appointment.
The most common cause is a food allergy - pay attention to when it occurs and what you are eating. Food allergies usually show up within an hour of eating.

Be aware that tingling lips is a sign of a potentially dangerous allergic reaction - it means that the allergy could cause your trachea to swell shut. You might consider seeing an allergist. You should keep some benedryl on hand and take the maximum dose when this occurs.
Perhaps poor circulation due to a medical problem (have you had surgery on you head at all). Or perhaps you are slightly allergic to some sort of food (Does it occur after eating a specific type of food)?

I'm no doctor, so that is as far as I will go.

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